This newsletter is designed to track and to investigate
Formula 1 underworld.
It is hardly necessary to underline at the present time the deep evolution of the Formula 1 market:
New rules from the FIA (such a engine development freeze or single tire supplier for three rounds starting in 2008),
retirement of the 7 times World Champion Michael Schumacher,
transfers of leading pilots and teams key people,
incoming of new tracks, new teams…
Trick Tracks monitors all the significant issues of today and tomorrow in the F1 World.
We are able to give enhanced coverage to 5 key areas:
- Races / Tracks
- People / Network
- Stables
- Testing
- Rumours
JUDGE FOR YOURSELFFull details of this new service are available on our weblog You can judge for yourself the real value of this new service to you and your colleagues by registering there for a no obligation FREE trial.
COST EFFECTIVEI believe that Trick Tracks provides the best and most cost effective analysis and investigation news of the Formula 1 market. Anyone whose professional or business interests require that they monitor technology evolutions, stables’ strategies and underworld networking will be able to benefit from unique expertise and a highly personalized service.
TO SUBSCRIBEMembership of the newsletter costs
Two and three year subscriptions are also available.
For further information and to subscribe, please contact us at
tricktracks@googlemail.comI look forward to welcoming you as a member of
Trick Tracks.
Dominique LerouxChairman - Trick Tracks